Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

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CSR Video Paper

CSR Video Paper

Q 1. Watch the "What is Corporate Responsibility" video. 2. Succinctly write about key topics covered in the video in a Word document. o Document should include a) your first & last name, b) PantherID and c) date in Header, top right corner of all pages. Title should be included on center of first page with page number(s) on all pages within the Footer. o Document should be one page, double-spaced. Font should use Arial or Times New Roman with 12 point size. o Document should be free of grammatical, punctuation or typo errors. o All sources should be appropriately cited using either APA or MLA formatting and style. Review Perdue's Online Writing Lab APA Style (Links to an external site.) or MLA Style (Links to an external site.) for assistance. 3. Upload the file to this assignment dropbox before the due date/time. No late assignments will be permitted. What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)? This video clip tries to give competent but also entertaining answers to this question.

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The video about CSR provides insights about the ways in which Corporate fraud can be identified and avoided by organizations. Bribery has been identified to be one of the major ways to encourage individuals to implement Corporate fraud by getting involved in it. Unethical practices to selfishly and immorally earn profits has been advised to be avoided by organizational members of different organizations.